Weekly ceremony at Presentation school, Brikama
Around 9 in
the morning I see children and teachers facing one of the imams at catholic
Presentation school in Brikama. Like every Friday the Muslim children and
teachers of the school gather outside to pray together and listen to the imam. Some
of the girls share a kala (sjawl) to cover their heads. “What does it mean when
a person greets you with salaam? It means peace. So Islam represents peace.”
On the
other side of the playground, just a few steps away, I see another group of
children, teachers and a sister. This is
the Christian population of the school. They surround the priest, who starts
the weekly school mass with a prayer.
God must be happy
If I close
my eyes I can hear both of them: talking about morals, about prophet Mohammed or
Jesus as role models for a good life, singing English Christians songs, reciting
Quran text in Arabic, praying to Allah / God for the wellbeing of the Gambia
and other parts of the World. Once in a while I hear the word Allah, but most
of the time the priest and the imam use the word God. “The peace of Jesus be
with us always. Let us offer each other the sign of peace. Let us shake hands.”
Haven’t I heard preaching peace before this morning?
Gomez smiles to me and ends the mass. “We are lucky at this school. Muslims
praying to God on that side of the playground and Christians praying over here
to him. God must be happy with us!”
Chat with the teachers
with some of the teachers I hear what I’ve heard many times before over the
past three weeks in the Gambia.
“In the Gambia we are all related. Christians,
Muslims, Bahai. Wolof, Madinka, Fulla. We talk to each other. That brings us
closer.” “I’m from Nigeria, but I do not want to go back yet. I like it a lot
here in the Gambia. People treat Muslims and Christians the same here. For me
as a Christian it is not always that easy in Nigeria. Over here they take care
of each other. They share their food, welcome you, no matter what religion you
“It’s very good we have these prayers every Friday. That’s why our
children have very good achievements. Even the other day they became first in a
school tournament.” He’s not the first to tell me there is a direct correlation
between prayer and school achievements.
Chat with the children
principals, lecturers, taxi drivers, random by passers - many tell me it is
common for Muslims and Christians to live together in the Gambia. Let’s have a
chat with some of the children. In groups of four, two Muslims and two
Christians, they enter the office where I seated myself.
“What did
you like most this morning?” “Prayer.” “What do you like about prayer?” “You
learn from prayer. It’s good for the Gambia. Then there is peace. Peace is
different in the Gambia. In strange countries there is not always peace. We all
talk together. We sit together. We need peace in our country.”
“If we know
more rules and regulations from each other we will not insult each other. This
does happen sometimes. When we are angry they insult you. They say your father
is not a good Muslim or your mother is not a good Christian.”
“In the
Gambia Christians and Muslims are all one. They are all friends. I am Muslim.
He (points to one of the other children) is my best friend and is Christian.
When I have Tobaski (offerfeest) celebration I call him. And we come together
to eat. When he has Christmas. He calls
me to come. Just like we are from the same family.”
Dutch Family?
The same
family… I don’t hear this that often in the Netherlands if it comes to religious
and cultural diversity in our society. What do you think? How do you see this
diversity? And how come we don’t see all Dutch people as one family?
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